Rev. Trudy Huff, M.A., MDIV., C.P.E
Professional Profile
Specializing in providing corporate crisis care, grief and family transition healing for more than 25 years, Reverend Trudy Whitaker Huff is an experienced Corporate Crisis Care Consultant and Senior Clinical Professional in Pastoral Education. She has a double Masters in Divinity and the Arts, and uses her specialized education to bring healing, hope, and human capital value to the global marketplace by developing and conducting seminars, coaching, workshops, private, and public services on a variety of topics focusing on wholeness, wellness, and family transition healing services. Rev. Huff is a career chaplain that travels around the globe tending to families around the world. Through specialized and unique care training in Transformation, Transition & Grief, Rev. Huff is profoundly able to affect the hearts and souls of employees, families, and individuals touched by grief and loss as well as the entire spectrum of life. She’s a highly in demand provider of group and individual sessions on:
The Process of Forgiveness
How to Deal with Difficult People
Burnout & Stress Management
Managing Difficult People & Emotions in the Workplace,
Dynamic Effective Communication, and
Thinking Outside the Box.
Rev. Trudy interned with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Chaplaincy and Pastoral Education Services providing ministry and counseling to patients, families and staff. She is currently a full time hospice chaplain (Kindred Hospice). She has over 30 previous years of work experience in education, ministry, counseling, as well as business consulting with national, regional and local organizations. Her specialties include teaching pastors and ministers; managing and training laity to serve in hospital/hospice as well as grief settings. Rev. Huff manages projects with individuals in family therapy, grief and bereavement counseling, behavioral modification with children and young adults, and has engaged clients and customers in extremely difficult and highly sensitive communications. She has also served as a director of adult educational programs.
Rev. Trudy earned the degree of Master of Arts in Counseling and Divinity at the Houston Graduate School of Theology, Houston, Texas. She completed the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education from Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
Former Women’s Minister to thousands, such as: UBA Center for Counseling Board of Directors, she now enjoys being behind the scene at mega church, Brookhollow: the Church Without Walls where Rev. Ralph Douglas West is the Pastor/Founder. She actively teaches and serves in Kerygma Ministries Christian Education, Prayer Ministry, and Mosaic Women’s Ministry.
Rev. Trudy enjoys world-travelling sharing as an Ordained Minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ; she is married to the wonderful godly Mr. Keith, Sr., and mother to Keith, Jr. Having served as a director of a national and global prayer ministry in Created2Produce, with Dr. Cassandra Scott of Houston, Texas, Rev. Trudy gratefully enjoys loving and praising God daily for His Presence and the things He has done.