Destinee Hebert Montgomery
Professional Profile
Destinee Hebert Montgomery is a special education paraprofessional who assist teachers and help special needs students, and cares for their physical, emotional health and safety, affirming their abilities, and striving to promote dignity in all relationships. Destinee believes that the work she does will make a change in these children lives. They will be able to achieve things in life even with a special need. She has had the opportunity to be apart of Ready, Set, Teach a teaching program in Goose Creek ISD. Which allowed her opportunity to work with children of all ages. In 2018 Destinee founded Destined for Destinee, an organization where she want inspire young girls to be more then they thought they could be. To be a source of hope offering spiritual guidance in finding their identity in becoming the best they can be.
Destinee’s hobbies include reading, volunteering in the church nursery at Pleasant Hill Church of Deliverance, and writing.
Destinee has 7 siblings and an amazing mother who introduced her to Birth Your Brilliance.
Destinee graduated in 2009 for Robert E Lee High School in Baytown, Texas.
Destinee wants to work on going back to school to become a school counselor in order to incorporate Destined for Destinee in the school district.